Thursday, 26 February 2009

In the background, you see part of the Trent building. This was my first build, with my colleague, Noono Karu as architect of the dock area and floating tower. Many speculate about the position of the tower. The truth is, that as we developed the two parts of the building separately and showed it to a committee before it was finished, we found more liked it in this floating, surreal location than those who did not. Feedback is great that way. I just added the glowing light panels underneath, and presto, it looked right.

At present, I am working on a 'Library Garden' for the UoN Web Campus. Flowers are designed to open up, swivel or attract attention in some way as they reveal 'pollen grains of wisdom'. 

Here is what some of the works in progress look like...and, no, I am actually floating far behind!

With a mind to record the highs and lows of creativity as I work in my Second Life office on the new University of Nottingham's  web campus, I bring you a bit of lovingly crafted drivel, straight from my brain to your screen. This is unofficial, and serves to record what I glean from useful sources, as well as a bit of note taking to help me remember what I need to. Occasionally I may vent a bit, but since I have no office window in RL, I need to clear the air sometimes, don't I?